November 23rd – Stolarchuks

November 30th - Howard & Rosemarie

Elder in Charge – Michelle Leming & Rayon Shelley

Sabbath Farewell (tonight) – 4:19 pm

Sabbath Welcome (next week) – 4:19 pm


We welcome you to a time of worship and fellowship with our Creator and with each other; a time to rest, reflect and replenish ourselves; a time to give thanks to our God for He has richly blessed us.  May our worship together be elevated, refined, and sanctified!



Superintendent – Rosemarie Campbell

Pianist – Bonnie Wigley

BIBLE STUDY 10:20 AM – 10:55 AM


Class #1- Left Back – Errol Campbell

Class #2 - Right Front – Rayon Shelley

Class #3 – Balcony – Yvonne Leslie




Praise & Worship – Choir

Announcements – Rayon Shelley

Call to Worship Song – Congregation

Invocation – Pastor S. Young

Welcome – Bridgette Murphy

Opening Hymn - #219 –  Bridgette Murphy " When Jesus Comes in Glory

Personal Giving – Franklyn WrightConference Advance

Praise and Prayer Dedication – Rayon Shelley

Children’s Story – Caroline Walters

Worship in Music – Choir

Written Word – Russell LittmanMark 13:28-29

Spoken Word – Pastor Shaun Young “Knock Knock

Closing Hymn - #213 – “Jesus Is Coming Again

Benediction – Pastor Shaun Young




Communion Service will be Sabbath, November 30th.


This afternoon @ # pm – Master Guide Club.


Tonight @ 6 pm – Children’s Gala at Wingate Hotel, 7120 Sparrow Dr. Leduc. Special performances, fun activities, prizes and more!  Admission is FREE to the whole church family and please bring your favorite dish to share.


Sunday, November 24th @ 5:00 pm – Vegan Supper Meeting.  Please contact Liela, Darlene or Connie if you will be attending. 


November 25 @ 7 pm. Please meet at the church to help package items for the Women’s Shelter.



November 26th @ 7:00 pm.  Church Board Meeting.


November 27th @ 7:30 pm.  Prayer Meeting.


November 30 @ 6:30 pm…Holiday Gala for all ladies.  Worship, Singing, Games & Secret Sister Reveal.  Place TBA.



MANS Christmas Shopping items are needed by December 7.  Bring items to church and put in the box provided.


Dec. 8 @ 3 pm.  Cookie Exchange.  More information next week.




Required monthly for Church Expense - $ 2,000

Received in October$1600                               


Leduc Church Building Fund

Received to date:  $138,370


Sabbath School Investment

Received to date:  $670


Restricted Gift Policy (as voted by the membership at the February 4, 2012 Business Meeting): Occasionally, programs or projects undertaken by the Leduc Seventh-day Adventist Church may receive more funding than needed, or the scope of the program may be altered, or the project may not be completed. If this happens, the Church Board will redirect funds to similar activities that meet the needs of the community we serve. If the funds to be re-directed are in excess of $2,000, a recommendation from the Church Board will be presented to the church membership for consideration and approval.