February 15th – Reg & Connie

February 22nd  - Bodnaruks

Elder in Charge – Michelle Leming

Sabbath Farewell (tonight) – 5:40 pm

Sabbath Welcome (next week) – 5:54 pm


We welcome you to a time of worship and fellowship with our Creator and with each other; a time to rest, reflect and replenish ourselves; a time to give thanks to our God for He has richly blessed us.  May our worship together be elevated, refined, and sanctified!



Superintendent – Pauline Turgott

Pianist – Caroline Walters

Special Music - Flutes for Jesus


BIBLE STUDY 10:20 AM – 10:55 AM

Panel Discussion led by: Pastor M. Turgott

Youth Class – Balcony - Bonnie Wigley



Praise & Worship – Keny, Jeniffer, Christabel & Sobala

Announcements – Elder Michele Leming

Call to Worship Song – Congregation

Welcome – Franklyn Wright & Family

Interviews (Interviewers: David & Yvonne Leslie

1st Interview - Jason Ziegler and Family

2nd Interview - Bridgette Murphy & Family

3rd Interview - Janelle Sullivan & Family

Spoken Word – Reg Watt

Theme Song – “Family of God” - Keny, Jeniffer, Christabel & Sobala

Personal Giving – Vennichar Perez & Family

Pastoral Prayer – Rayon Shelley & Family

Special Music - Flutes for Jesus

Flowers for the Congregation - Precious Gems Class

Children’s Story – Connie Goltz

Children’s Anointing Prayer - Leila Elias

Special Music - Keny, Jeniffer, Christabel & Sobala

Written Word – Dave & Darlene Bodnaruk

Sermonette - Pastor J. Wesley

(Congregation to join hands and sing theme song)




Please join us on Sabbath morning @ 9:45 for Hymn Sing. Come an enjoy singing together with your church family.



Tonight @ 7:00 pm – Couples Night @ Leduc Fellowship Church 4401 – Rollyview Road.



Wed. Feb. 19 @ 7:30 pm – Prayer Meeting.



Please give all bulletin information for the next three Sabbaths to Connie Goltz.  Please send information to



Are you willing to spend just 45 minutes on a Sabbath morning…mentoring young minds ages 6 and under via crafts, stories and more.  You can choose the ages you are comfortable working with!!! If you are ready to serve and have lots of fun, please contact Kirsha @ 250-270-0298 or Bridgette @ 780-920-2551.



Impact 2020 Training Materials.  The audio and PowerPoint presentations from our January training are now uploaded to our GEMA website (  Stop by and relive the experience you had in January or catch up on what you missed.  All presentations from Chris Holland, Vicki Griffin, Lyle Notice and Jim Howard are available for your listening pleasure!


April 17-19, 2020 Women’s Retreat at Cambridge Hotel (formerly the Sheraton) in Red Deer.

Theme:  Better Together, with guest speaker Dilys Brooks, Chaplain at Loma Linda University. Register at the Conference website or call 403-342-5044.  Early Bird registration is $199 and ends March 3.  Price after the 3rd is $229 and registration is open until March 31.  Call the Cambridge at 800-662-7197 to reserve a room or go to Reservation URL:



AV Media – If you have any media items (videos, audio tracks, presentations/slide shows, song numbers etc) that are needed for SS or the Divine Service, they mut be sent to the A/V Team email at before noon on Friday.  Late submissions will not be accepted.





Required monthly for Church Expense - $ 3,000

Received in January$1,280

Surplus/(-Deficit): (-$1,720)                              


Leduc Church Building Fund

Received to date:  $138,890


Sabbath School Investment

Received to date:  $22


Special Projects:



Funds required:   $2,565

Funds received: $277


Worthy Students:

Funds required:  $2,500

Funds received:  $1,129


Community Services:

Funds required:  $900

Funds received:  $665


Church Maintenance:

Funds required:  $1500

Funds received:   $ 750